Virtuous Leadership
We are excited to start this year by strengthening our virtual programming, as we adapt to meet the needs of our shifting environment. While we understand going virtual has been a big shift for the mentorship program, we are confident that our programming and character formation will continue to have a strong impact on those we serve. The theme for our character content this year is “virtuous leadership.” Despite being amidst a year of quarantining, concerns over racial injustice, and societal upheaval, we must ask ourselves, are we acting as citizens of upstanding moral character, and how do we instill this in our children? Virtuous Leadership is the answer. YLF is excited for the opportunity to provide your children with formation that will help them walk through whatever may lie ahead with dignity and morality. By implementing the theme of virtuous leadership, we will assist the young minds of today by developing their moral compass to provide them with a sense of direction, confidence, and conviction to take the next right step. It is truly a gift to walk alongside so many incredible families and have the opportunity to contribute to the personal growth and development of today’s youth. It is through providing the opportunity for youth to encounter positive role models through our mentorship program, that we can make a difference in your child or student’s life and help them develop the tools they need to be successful both at school and at home. Together we can. When our aim is set on something greater, it is impossible to aim too high.
We are always looking for more mentors and students to get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you know someone who may be interested! We will take care of the rest!